If you’re just getting into the business of land surveying, you may not have a firm understanding of all the requirements yet. The general field of modern surveying involves determining the relative positions and boundaries of land. Someone might need to survey a piece of land before building a structure or in order to determine the exact property lines. No matter the reason, understanding what tools and equipment are involved in obtaining accurate readings can be key to your success. The measuring wheel, for example, is an integral component in most surveying tasks.
Take a moment to review these points and learn more about how to appropriately use a surveyor’s wheel. Whether you’re looking at distance or direction, the wheel will provide you with all of the readings you require.
Take Horizontal Readings
Surveyors often need to take both vertical and horizontal readings. With a surveyor’s wheel, you will be focused on horizontal lines. The wheel is a useful tool for this purpose because of how accurate it can be. The tool has been in use for decades and some modern models are able to deliver an accuracy reading of within .01 foot. Naturally, accuracy matters more with some jobs than others. As you learn to use the surveyor’s wheel, you should also review the details related to your next project.
For example, you need to be incredibly accurate when determining the measurements related to a drain inlet. Conversely, you have more leeway when it comes to taking the readings from an area of sloped terrain. Understand the specifics and you’ll learn how to use the wheel to take the most accurate readings.
Understanding Wheel Offset
Another important point you need to take into consideration when using a measuring wheel is the offset of the wheel. In order for you to determine this, you have to measure the distance between the center line of the wheel and the surface of the hub mount. When you’re dealing with a higher offset, the wheel is more likely to pull away from the fender. Conversely, the wheel will pull from the suspension when you have a lower offset.
Some surveyors also prefer to measure the backspace instead of the wheel offset. While the measurements both serve the same general purpose, determining backspace requires an understanding of both the width and offset of the wheel’s rim. If this is your preferred method, you need to review the calculations so that you can get the exact number you require.
Determine Your System of Marking
A surveyor’s wheel can help you accomplish a lot more than just measure property boundaries, certain models can also offer you the opportunity to mark the ground as you go. This can be a huge benefit to anyone who wants to take care of measuring and marking all in one swing. If you’re working alone, this method can be especially helpful in cutting back on time.
There are several points to take into consideration when it comes to using measuring wheels for the first time. If you’re just getting started in the world of surveying, take the time required to learn all you can about this essential tool. Then, head to Engineer Supply to find the perfect surveyor’s wheel to complete your next job.

Melissa Day is a dedicated home blogger who has been blogging for over six years. She covers everything home related. Melissa also loves writing posts about her travels to Europe with her husband and two children.