How to be a Leader, not a Follower

How to be a Leader, not a Follower

Over the past few years, many of us have reclined towards opinions and thoughts of others. Take interior designing for example, who would’ve thought in the olden days that we’d pay someone to give ‘their’ ideas meant for improving ‘our’ house. However, they have now become the sole drivers of fashion designing. Nowadays, it doesn’t…

What Makes a Good Relationship

What Makes a Good Relationship?

Signs involves showing gratefulness for the things in life that are expressive or respected to you. Taking a moment to sign and acknowledge what you’re thankful for each day can brighten your outlook, increase your mood, and help you feel more optimistic about-facing challenges. The signs he wants a serious relationship with you. Role of…

Shaker Doors in Trend

Are Shaker Doors in Trend?

Shaker-style doors are named after the Shaker Community, a religious community founded in the 18th century as an offshoot of the Quaker movement. The shakers were steadfast and committed to simplicity and self-reliance. Their self-reliance led them to design their furniture which is commonly referred to as shaker style. So, are shaker cabinets still in…