There is no doubt that wallpapers give a more colorful and customized image than simple paintjobs. Other than that, you can change wall papers in a much easier manner as compared to wall paint. However, you need to do some work on your walls before the paper is applied.
Clean the wall properly
If you want to apply wall paper, the first thing that you need to do is clean the wall. Due to dust, walls lose their smoothness and adopt a rough texture. If a wall paper is applied directly, the finish does not come out uniform. You should use a clean cloth with vinegar applied and then wipe it on the wall. This would remove all the dust particles.
Fill the cracks on the wall
For the wall paper to come out smooth, you would have to fill the cracks on the wall. Apply plaster where needed and wait for it to dry. Usually, walls are left for one day after the plaster has been applied. Make sure that the wall is completely dry and has a crack free finish before the paper is applied. If wall paper is applied on a wall with cracks, it starts tearing within a short time span.
Identification and repair of water leakage
If any of the concealed water pipelines in your house is leaking, it would start getting deposited in the layers of the wall. Before you apply wall paper, ensure that the wall is not wet from anywhere. At times, this water deposition does not become apparent on the wall. You can get the wall checked by a plumber before applying the paper. Even if a small portion of the wall has been adversely affected, you would have to get all the repair work done before the paper is stuck on the wall.

Melissa Day is a dedicated home blogger who has been blogging for over six years. She covers everything home related. Melissa also loves writing posts about her travels to Europe with her husband and two children.