Décor & Design is the fancy word that sums up 2 very different aspects: interior design and interior decoration.
Interior design deals with the process of planning the interior of a room in such a way that it seems more up-to-date. While interior decoration is beautifying a room, with concern towards color combination, using an artistic and imaginative approach. Put into simpler words, interior design deals with what to buy; and interior decoration deals with how to plot the stuff you buy – which is the focal point of my article.
Following you’ll find amazing interior decoration ideas to satisfy your beauty embellishment desire.
Living room elevation
We all spend most of our time in the living room and this is the sole reason it has to be very easy-on-the-eyes. You can change the feels of this place by going for bright-colored paint on the walls for a fresher and elegant look.
Organizing items
Items placed in a certain order just make everything so much better. All those satisfying videos you find on the internet follow the principle of organization. Picture a cluttered bookshelf with every nook and cranny filled with something. Now picture a much systematized bookshelf with books arranged by proper physique. We both know what you like better.
Using fabric (almost everywhere)
Fabric is something we all have an insatiable obsession with. It just gives that little edge to your house and brings about an insightful temperament in the room. Just a little textile can do wonders to the area. So go snip snap a piece to make an attractive collage for the wall, or buy a highly-designed cloth for the table.
Going natural
It’s like going with the flow and not letting the certain ordinary nature of something bother you. This is a highly emerging concept in the fashion world. You can just let the natural concrete wall stay bare without any paint. This might seem awkward at first but later on, when the rest of room’s set, you’ll be delighted with the effect this can bring.
To sum up, it’s not very difficult to decorate your residence if you just follow a few basic techniques and do what the heart says.

Melissa Day is a dedicated home blogger who has been blogging for over six years. She covers everything home related. Melissa also loves writing posts about her travels to Europe with her husband and two children.